Many people often wonder how long portable battery chargers last. The reason is that these batteries often run out of power and even become less efficient to recharge as time goes on. Your focus should be on retaining and preserving power in portable batteries and making them last longer. You can do this by first learning about the factors that contribute to the quick rundown of these batteries. On average, portable batteries can last for between 3 and 5 years and hold a charge for between 4 and 6 months without losing much of their powers.
How To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Portable Power And Get More Power Juice From Them
A portable battery has a maximum life cycle or maximum charging cycle. A 5000mAh portable battery, for instance, may have a maximum of 500 charge cycles and will take up to 1000 days to reach that cycle if, for instance, you recharge it every two days. The more you recharge the portable battery, the quicker it reaches the maximum charging cycle. The following are tips that can help you preserve and extend the lifespan of your portable battery;
1. Avoid Using Portable Batteries in High Heat and Humidity
Have you noticed how your laptop crashes when you use it in high heat conditions? This situation is the same with portable batteries used in high heat. The portable battery comprises Lithium Ion that uses internal cells to hold power but overheating, and high humidity reduce the battery’s rate of charge and dissipate heat, thus reducing its effectiveness.
2. Do Not Recharge Your Portable Battery Until It is Fully Recharged
The more you quickly recharge your portable battery, the quicker it reaches the end of its life cycle. This is the reason why you should allow your portable battery to run to the end of its juice before recharging. Many computer technicians recommend that you allow your portable battery to reach the last 5-10% of its available power before you recharge it. This will help prolong its lifespan and make it last longer.
3. Try Avoid Using Your Device While Charging it in a Portable Battery
One of the numerous ways of stressing out portable batteries is by using your device while charging it. This habit draws more power from the portable battery quicker than usual. Whenever you use your device like a smartphone with a portable battery, you will notice it gets hotter and, in some cases, may lead to an explosion while charging. Activities like playing high-resolution video games and chatting with friends may draw power more than they charge the device is drawing from the portable battery, and that may cause a big issue.
4. Avoid Using a Third-Party Charger
It would be best if you always used the charger that comes with your portable battery whenever you recharge it. The use of an external charger can create a risk by drawing more power at a faster rate into the battery, thus increasing the risk of an explosion or fire accident. In some cases, an external charger may draw power into the portable battery more slowly; hence it takes more time to complete a recharge cycle.
5. Use Your Portable Battery Regularly and Handle it with Care
When your portable battery is redundant, its efficiency drops slowly, and this is the reason why it is better to use up the power inside the battery before you store it, especially if you are not going to use it for a long time.
There are several other tips that you should keep in mind if you want to elongate the lifespan of your portable battery. Handling is particularly one of those essential things you should keep in mind. Avoid dropping and knocking your portable battery in any instance; the mechanical impact of knocking and dropping will lead to loss of charges and may cause damage to some internal components. You should also avoid putting heavy things on your portable battery because the device can be very sensitive to heat, weight, and pressure. Similarly, you should avoid sitting on the portable battery or putting them in closed contact with another device that can transfer energy, heat, and pressure- all these elements may cause minor to major damages to the device.